Sitting alone in Church

Going to church alone as a Christian woman can be intimidating. It's hard to go alone into a new church without a spouse. Especially since the room will be filled with couples sitting together. The first part is tough. Walking in and finding a seat. In many churches, people automatically put a seat between each... Continue Reading →

Joining the Gym (again)

I'm feeling a bit hesitant about returning to the gym. I am out of shape and will have to work up to the routine I had when I stopped 7 months ago. Before quitting because of homeschool obligations, I had a session with a trainer to ensure I could effectively target all of my muscle... Continue Reading →

Dwindling Savings

Many families are struggling because their savings are dwindling. Your goal may be to guard your savings, or it may be to survive until the next paycheck. Whatever your goal is, one category families can change significantly is what they spend on food. First, decide upon a post-2020 food budget. Prices have changed so decide... Continue Reading →

Anxiety is a Trap

It was pouring rain and dark when my husband called me on his way home from work. During our conversation, I would hear him hitting patches of water on the freeway. Then he would respond with words I won't post. I pulled up google maps to see how his commute would be. It read a... Continue Reading →

Asking a Friend for Prayer

When asking a friend for prayer, it's like asking a friend for help. Usually, this is when we're at the end of ourselves. We've prayed to God for ourselves and now asking a friend to pray seems like a big deal. Why would we either be bashful or even sometimes too independent to ask friends... Continue Reading →

Praying For a Friend Who’s Hurt You

Friends can hurt friends because they've been vulnerable with each other by sharing their deepest thoughts and insecurities. In the Bible, it says a friend sticks closer than a brother. When friends are that close, they are close enough to hurt each other. Sometimes this hurting is for our own good. They can see ways... Continue Reading →

How to Pray Over Land

Prayerful Christians who walk and pray over the land see their area grow and thrive. We need to occupy our land. Frankly, if we've done prayer walks in the past, it's time to do it again because so much has changed. Many have moved to a new land, others have seen neighbors move in, and... Continue Reading →

Healing for a Mother’s Heart

Moms have tried all their resources to fix the relationship and fix their hearts. No amount of chocolate could repair the brokenness they feel. They stop fixing, but their hearts are still broken. The Great Physician (God) needs to heal that broken heart.

Praying for Friends: Who are going through Divorce

Prayer: Dear Jesus, please be with my friend during this time of need. Help her to feel you and your care. Take care of her needs. Increase her faith. In those quiet moments remind her to reach out to you to cry out to you, the lover of her soul. Make her faith secure. Thank you that you love her so much, In Jesus name, Amen

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