My Heart’s Cry and Career Homemakers

Welcome to My Heart's Cry. I am pleased to have you here. Please make yourself comfortable and enjoy the edifying articles that will uplift your spirit. The articles mainly focus on prayer, which I believe is the most essential activity of the day. If you have any prayer requests, I would be honored to pray... Continue Reading →

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Teach with Humility

Our attitude as we teach either helps or hinders our message. What is it like to be humble and make others significant? One way is by listening, being flexible enough to care for needs when they arise, and addressing them more than getting through a lesson. And if need be, stay longer to meet that need. 

Sitting alone in Church

Going to church alone as a Christian woman can be intimidating. It's hard to go alone into a new church without a spouse. Especially since the room will be filled with couples sitting together. The first part is tough. Walking in and finding a seat. In many churches, people automatically put a seat between each... Continue Reading →

The Jesus Candle

Every Christmas at our church, the children's department hands each family a Christmas activity bag. In it are all the supplies to make a Birthday Cake for Jesus. Cake mix, frosting, and a single birthday candle. Last Christmas the cake got made but the candle, well, it didn't even get lit. My children are a... Continue Reading →

Sleepless Nights

Sleepless nights are hard. Getting less sleep or interrupted sleep gets old fast. There's something wonderful about a good night's sleep. So much hinges on a good night's sleep too. Recently I've gotten off a medication that had caused me to sleep soundly. It's not the reason I took it but it was a nice... Continue Reading →

Benefits of Reading the Bible Aloud

Family members' actions and words can change a home's environment. A peaceful household can have a tremendous impact on the well-being of family members. Take time to actively speak God's word, and you will see a positive transformation in your home's atmosphere. When we read the Word of God to ourselves, the sword is pointed... Continue Reading →

School Choice

Parents have options when it comes to school choice, to select the best fit for their family's educational needs. Choosing the source of our children's education is a serious decision that parents must consider wisely. In America, we have the option of public schools, private schools, and homeschooling to meet these needs. While most children... Continue Reading →

A Sweet Smelling Aroma

As I woke up during a retreat, I was greeted by a pleasant fragrance wafting around the room. It was March, and the orange tree outside was in full bloom. Though I hadn't noticed the tree as we arrived the night before, its sweet scent inspired me to get dressed and go outside to take... Continue Reading →

Strengthening Faith

So how do we keep our faith muscle fit? We have to spend time conditioning our faith, much like we use conditioning in our workouts. For our muscles, stretching keeps them flexible, strong, and healthy, and we need that flexibility to maintain a range of motion in the joints. Likewise, our faith needs stretching to keep flexible and humble, and develop endurance to be a healthy Christ follower.

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