Fresh Start

I start my week by bringing my concerns to God. This particular week I was weighed down with remembering what didn't go well last week. For example: I raised my voice when my daughter gave me a sassy reply and I didn't do well providing nutritious meals for my family. These failures weighed heavily on... Continue Reading →

Garden Rescue

A few days after I posted Our Garden Failed, a friend presented me with a bag of his home grown tomatoes. I was thrilled! Then he told me to go get some tomato plants. This was good advice from my friend. So I got tomatoes, peppers and a zucchini plant. I was going to plant it all... Continue Reading →

Our Garden Failed

It's the sad truth, our garden has failed! Of all the plants we planted, only one very lonely corn stalk survived.  I'm super bummed. Those little plants we started indoors from seed looked like they would make it. They looked so green and full of life.  My worry that the garden pests would eat them... Continue Reading →

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