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America be strong. Be brave. We are waking up to a new day of possibilities, where yesterday does not apply to tomorrow. Don’t go backward. It’s like returning to Egypt and to the slavery of the past. I want to point you to freedom once more. Have you gotten lost? Are you discouraged? Let me remind you of God’s word. “This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Don’t be discouraged! God loves you. Has He not overcome the world already? “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” Did God not pay the ultimate sacrifice for sin by sending His son to die a criminal’s death on the cross? Yes! So why all the glum? Why the despair?

Dictionary definition of “despair”: the complete loss or absence of hope.

Don’t let the people around you disappoint you like that. You have your eyes set on worldly things again. On things that matter to you here and now, but stop.

 “That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs.

Don’t be discouraged. God’s love is final. It is everlasting, and it transcends all time and circumstances, always.

I want to encourage you to stand firm in this time. Take courage. So if you find yourself discouraged, talk to God right away. He wants none who follow Him to be discouraged. Get it? Do you understand? Do you know why? Because it separates us from God at a very deep level.

Think of your spouse or someone close to you who didn’t come through when you needed them. Do you trust them entirely in that area anymore? I didn’t think so.

Looking at the temporal things of this world is such a huge trap. It causes such discontentment and disappointment. When I have my eyes on these things instead of what God wants me to focus on, I set myself up to be angry or have a pity party. This weekend I was upset about an item in our bedroom I’ve wanted to be taken out for years. I cannot lift it. My husband does not care that it’s there. This feeling of helplessness and disappointment consumed me for about an hour. I was visibly upset with my family. I once again spoke out about my displeasure of this thing still being in our room. He still doesn’t care, and I probably care too much. Sadly this brought up a whole string of past disappointments. Now I was a mess.

Jesus is teaching me a new way. He’s teaching me how to bring these emotional upsets to Him. So I cupped my hands like in the post’s picture and gave this grievance, this discouragement, (along with my hurt feelings) to God.

Prayer: Father, in these cupped hands, I lift my discouragement to you. This discouragement has felt very real, and when I’m being completely honest with myself, I realize I have felt betrayed to the deepest levels of my heart. Please heal my wounded heart. Encourage me. Help me realize my faith again. Spring forth something I can hope for. Spring forth hope in the springtime.

So it is for your Lord and Savior. You need to trust Him right now, even though it looks like He didn’t follow through with His promises. He has. We will get through these times together, but you will need to trust God at a very deep level again. You are going to trust what you don’t see, which is God Almighty. While what you do see will be utter chaos in this world.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding but acknowledge Him in each step. Get back to trusting Him for each step. But before you can do that, you have to deal with the lingering disappointment in your hearts. Imagine if you could cup together between both hands this disappointment you feel and raise it in trust to a loving Father. It may be challenging because our feeling is very liquid but do your best to scoop it up and lift it to your heavenly father to take. And as His love dissipates these deep worries, you will find yourselves much closer to Him. Trust will be easier again. Disappointment will be stalled once more, and you will find you are happier and more content.

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Scripture: Joshua 1:9, John 16:33, Matthew 6:25 &32, Proverbs 3:5

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