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A Busy Mind

I am praying and my mind has wondered off several times.  I’m thinking about what I need to get done in the next few days.  I have a tax appointment, I have to plan a dessert club talk, and my mom is flying into town for a visit.  I can’t even focus and it’s You I’m talking to! You are The God of the Universe who listens to me.  Please help me to focus more.  I really do care about my prayer time.

God’s word to us: You are so right. Your mind is all over the place.  I’m glad you’ve noticed. Sometimes you don’t.  It is in these times you need to cast your cares on Me first.  In your heart, if you already have given Me permission to help with your taxes, help with the talk and help working with the schedule, then your mind won’t need to solve these things.  It would be at rest. So take some deep breaths and let’s start again.

Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you. I Peter 5:7

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.
 Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take. Proverbs 3:5-6

My Hearts Cry is for you to know that God cares about every detail of your busy week. He asks us to give our cares and worries to Him.  This day my prayers were unfocused because I would pray a sentence and then my mind would wander off trying to figure out some little detail. Then I’d pray again and off my mind went – trying to solve another problem.  I did not feel close to Jesus.  In fact I felt guilty for how I was treating Him.

If we truly give Him our worries, we don’t need to solve them anymore. It’s a surrender.  I wonder how many times we worry through our prayers, just talking about our cares, yet never really giving our cares to Him. This affects our closeness to Him, our relationship with Him.  So the next time you have a Busy Mind, you know what to do. Give your worries to Him.

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